Saturday, June 27, 2009

Reservoir Project nears completion

Here's some work accomplished on Friday, June 26th, 2009.

Charles and his assistant did some initial plumbing work.

We emptied the reservoir and got ready for the move.
Here's our day guard, Gustave, contemplating the next step.

The reservoir was pretty light when empty.

You can see the sludge coming out from the bottom of the reservoir!
YUCK! Thankfully, all of our drinking water is filtered,
however, this is still a disturbing image!

Here we are discussing the final resting spot.
That's yours truly on the right.

Here's the empty spot where the reservoir was moved from.
Notice the rather large snails who were living there.
Escargot anyone?

Charles and apprentice put the finishing touches on the pump.

WOW! The dream becomes a reality.
We have doubled our on-hand water capacity and
cleaned up the back yard at the same time.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Reservoir Project

Here's Jairus and Claude setting up the platform support.

It's starting to take shape!

Voila! Here it is, with the new reservoir on top already. It's dry season, so there's no water in it. When it is full, it will weigh 1 ton. Let's hope it holds. We're going to fill it up from the hose tonight. Then, Friday morning, we'll put the old reservoir (seen in this photo on the left, under the umbrella) under the platform along with the pump.

Looks cool, huh? Like a little temple to the reservoir god or something!?!
Claude and Jairus have done a great job.

More photos to come.